by Alyssa » Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:13 pm
I also blame false advertising. If you don't read labels carefully these days you may think your getting tons of fiber or something is non-hydrogenated or is low sugar. You have to read ALL the ingredients, especially the first three. If the first three ingredients say corn syrup, high frutcose corn syrup, white flour and corn there's probably not much nutritional value. I won't throw out products names but a lot of the manufacturers that make products, especially for babies, toddlers and young children is total crap. It's a shame because just when these little bodies and minds need the most nutrition we are feeding them foods that are bad for their hearts, minds and ultimately horrible on their little digestive sytems. And just when you think you are doing something good you find out that a company has changed something. Like when organic brown rice syrup was found to contain 10 times the normal recommended amounts of arsenic a few weeks back. It's not easy.